Friday, 7 November 2014

New Book Discusses Fuda Hospital

By far the most popular post on the occasional blog is the one that advises patients to be cautious about the claims made by the Chinese Fuda Hospital. If you're considering going to this hospital - or know of somebody else who is thinking of it - then please go and read that post.

You can also read about Fuda in a new book that charts the story of a teenage boy with cancer. This memoir, written by his mom, does not make for easy reading. It's a hard story that doesn't end well. But as part of the desperate attempt to save this poor boy's life, he and his father travel to China and spend weeks at Fuda Hospital. It paints a different picture of the place compared to Fuda's very slick and professional marketing.

The book is called 'For The Love of George' by Irene Kappes. It's on sale at Amazon in paperback or Kindle format. More details can be had here: